Puzzle 1

Shaping Medicine

Erratum 09:48am 27/06: The word "inherited" in the seventh clue was changed to "was awarded". The PDF has also been updated with this change.

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Google reverse-image search these characters and see how they link to each other.

The characters come in a specific order. How does a triangle differ from a square?

Medical history is full of titans, but how do they square up against each other? Of course, with the good comes the bad, especially as we come full circle...

Pic 1A

... who appeared on the cover of the same magazine 36 years after...
... who completed her postdoctoral training under...
... who developed a surgical procedure to treat the condition named after...
... who founded the medical school attended by...
... who had a famous rivalry with...
... who hails from the same country as...
... who was awarded the same honour a year after...
... who is a professor at the same institution as...
... who named a neonatal assessment score after...
... who won a prize named in part after...
... who won the same award 91 years before...
... who worked on the structure of the same biomolecule as...
... who wrote a biography about the life of...
... whose death could have been prevented by the vaccine developed by...
... whose name featured in a film released a year after the death of...
... whose name is on the workplace of...

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